Sunday, December 27, 2009

The end of another year!

This is Shaylee's new insulin pump. She chose blue because that's her favorite color. We all love it. It came with a remote control glucometer and so the other day we were in a movie and Shaylee was eating snacks, so I pulled out the remote and gave her some insulin from two seats away! I love this thing.

This is Tyler right after we put up our Christmas tree. Only a few ornaments survived the Holiday season.

And this is Tyler opening his jammies which he hugged and snuggled all morning long.

Christmas jammies
We had a good Christmas. Kate got "all the babies" and is absolutely thrilled with them. We've been busy baking cupcakes and making hamburgers out of playdough. Next blog we will talk about those New Year's Resolutions. Shaylee says that one of hers is to give everyone presents every day. Kate's is to get "all the babies" again. I'm excited for New Years and am looking forward to starting a brand new year.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Kate

Kate turned 3 last week. That girl gets cuter every day!

Funny Kate Quotes:

  • Imagine Shaylee sitting on the floor crying and Kate is rubbing her back "What's wrong Shay? Is it dad?" - 2 years old
  • When Shay gets mad at Kate, this is what she always says "Don't worry bout it Shay!"
  • Aaron was giving her a bath and she HATES to have her hair washed. Kate was throwing a fit and AC says "KATE! What do you want me to do?"
"Just rinse and get out!"
  • Kate was combing my hair the other day "Mom. Your hairs is need a bath!"

Bowling at Fat Cats. Note to self....."don't walk out onto the lanes!" Those 16-year-old employees will getcha!
Kate had a "Dora" Happy Birthday complete with Dora cake and presents. It's a dream come true.

Trick or Treat

Princess Jasmine and Cinderella, Iron Man, Sully and chicken boy. The best thing about being a parent is that you get to be a kid again. The kids had fun trick or treating and Shaylee sold all her candy to us in exchange for a toy. She'd rather have a toy and I save on dental bills.
Win, win! And can I just say that I am loving this fall weather. LOVE IT!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Halloween

Well we've had our share of Halloween and it hasn't even come yet! Yes, the Christensens love Halloween. We had a murder mystery dinner with AC's family. It was a "Western" dinner mystery so we all had to dress like cowboys and cowgirls. The script was really funny and it ended up being a lot of fun. We took the kids to the Dinosaur Park for trick or treating. They always have fun doing that.

Well, I noticed the snow falling today and I'm trying not to be sad about it. It's gonna be a good winter. Now if I can just find things I enjoy doing inside, then the next 6 months will be a breeze. Maybe I'll get me a new coat, that will make going outside more fun. We've all been sick already so that's out of the way. Bring on the snow! I can take it. Enjoy this festive video and turn the music up!

P.S. It was just Root Beer folks.

Photo shoot

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st Grade!

First day of school.

Shaylee is my little artist. These are my two favorite pictures of hers. She actually drew the giraffe in Kindergarten which amazes me. She drew the goat last week.

Shaylee is a funny girl. I have a few stories to share about her that happened this summer:


1- When Grandma Lorna came to dinner one night, Aaron was playing his favorite game called "Guess What Movie This is From." Aaron was playing a song for his mom and told her to "guess what movie" and Shaylee said "Oh, don't make the old lady guess." Grandma laughed.

2- I took Shaylee to a wedding reception and after waiting in the line for a looong time, she decided to walk around. Later, she comes running up to me and says "Mom! I found a shortcut to the party......come on!"

3- My favorite- 2 weeks ago I was getting the kids ready for a primary water party. Frantic and running late....I admit I was a little bit of a grouch. Aaron says to the girls "Mommy is in a baaad mood. She must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!" Shaylee was quiet for a moment and then said "Maybe she fell out of bed.....hit her head......and her brain changed."

End of Summer

My cannas are finally sprouting flowers. It only took them 3 months to grow, but it was worth the wait. So yardwork is done for the summer. These flowers were the ONLY plants I planted this year since we spent the entire summer pulling weeds out of the backyard.

This is what they looked like before the flowers came up.

This entire space was covered in weeds that grew to be waste high. It took us 3 weeks to get them all out by hand! Then AC made this cute little pathway so we could get to the garden easily. Next year we will build a garden box to the left and grow some food! I want to cry knowing this will soon be covered in snow. Boo.

We also bought the kids a swingset complete with monkey bars, a slide, swings and a playhouse. They LOVE it. I love it. I'll post pictures after AC gets the roof put on it. We also spent another 3 weeks pulling weeds and clearing space to put the swingset.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Share a thought

I read this quote, and I loved it. It is important that I share it.....SOOO important:

"I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully tailored clothes, my hair coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with grass stains on my shoes from mowing sister Schenck's lawn. i want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbor's children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden. I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."
-Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009


Tyler turned 1 on July 8. We had Grandma and Grandpa over for cake and ice cream on Sunday. I posted this video of Tyler and his sisters to show what kind of mischief they like to get into. If you have audio on your computer, listen to the music along with the video. I had fun making it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I got this idea from a website We made these cute bug cans with the kids and then they went outside in the backyard to find bugs!

The butterflies were the hardest to catch - obviously - but Uncle Doug caught three of them! Unfortunately, the next morning our cat ate one of them.

Shaylee desperate to find a ladybug.

Kaleb the master! He caught a dragonfly with his bare hands. He also found the only ladybug in the yard. We found numerous potato bugs, 1 ladybug, 3 butterflies, 2 dragonflies, and a weird green unidentified bug.

Swimming lessons for the kids. And a lot of fun for mom! I enjoyed relaxing in the sun while someone else watched my kids.

Shaylee learning front float.

And here is Tyler in the cheering section.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

America's Funniest Home Videos

Disney Train

We went to see the Disney Train at the Union Station in Ogden. We waited in line for 3 hours. Yikes! There was a museum inside the train from the "Christmas Carol" movie. Here is our little adventure....

Shaylee, Kelcie, Kate and Ty. After an hour in line, we came upon the 2 hour mark. I thought they were exaggerating. They weren't.

Whatever the deal is with these pictures coming up sideways. And they don't let you fix them after 20 minutes of uploading. They don't let you delete them either so now we have to look at them sideways.

They had Christmas Carolers singing to people in line.

AC loves waiting in lines. He's a good sport.

These are actual handwritten pages by Charles Dickens. Again....sideways!

They had computers that morphed your face into the characters. Here is AC Scrooge.

Shaylee as Tiny Tim.

Three hours in line.....I took A LOT of pics.